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What Captain Doug Ferrel is listening to

Attention from the flight deck, this is your Captain speaking…”

I’m a humble, middle aged man from Southwest Wisconsin (you people call it “The Driftless Region” despite my never hearing that term until I moved into my walled compound on the outskirts of Rhinelander in 2014). I was educated at a small, technical college on the Hudson River in New York. After graduating, I made my living engaging in strange and crazy wars around the globe acquiring a reputation as one of the world’s greatest kegerator repairers. I retired from that business in 2008, sold my worldly possessions, moved into a one-room cabin, and worked tirelessly on my manifesto, existing in a profoundly active “Balance of Terror” with the local police authorities and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms. In 2009, I fell in love with a beautiful and powerful woman, and, like Sampson, cut my hair and got a job. Now I work as her henchman, and I volunteer as a DJ here at WXPR. Through it all, I have always loved Rock And Roll, motorcycles, and my growing collection of children’s shoes.

I have hosted Blues Friday, Open Turntable, Northwoods Café, Crossroads Café, The Edge, and Rock And Roll Radio, that last two programs I co-created with other WXPR Volunteers of America. This is the part where I dazzle you with what I am currently listening to and show you just how current, hip, and trendy I am. Honestly, though, I do that for three hours once a month on Rock And Roll Radio with my new release shows, so stop reading and tune in. In the meantime, I can tell you that I exist on a steady diet of The Replacements, The Ramones, The Clash, KISS, Van Halen, Pixies, Tom Waits, X, Thin Lizzy, Sex Pistols, and The Faces.

Captain Doug delights in playing the role of reprobate, and does so with great conviction. Having nothing better to do, he spends his time volunteering as a guest DJ at 91.7 FM WXPR, Rhinelander, Wisconsin where, much like a drug dealer or religious fanatic, he hawks his horrible taste in music upon the unsuspecting public. He unwittingly fancies himself a music aficionado when in reality he is an elitist music snob spinning records to which no sane person would ever listen. His babbling conversations will remind you of that Chuck Klosterman wannabe at the party who you cannot seem to detach yourself from as he expounds upon the under-rated guitar playing qualities of Vivian Campbell. Meanwhile, you are internally regretting your decision to wear your Dio T-shirt that night. Much like your deluded drunken uncle, he rants constantly about the life and death importance of the mere consequential and trivial. Or, to reference the Bowling For Soup anthem, he has not been “cool” since 1985, but he’s strangely satisfied with this truth because in his illogical state he still thinks that it is 1985.
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