“Attention from the flight deck, this is your Captain speaking…”
I’m a humble, middle aged man from Southwest Wisconsin (you people call it “The Driftless Region” despite my never hearing that term until I moved into my walled compound on the outskirts of Rhinelander in 2014). I was educated at a small, technical college on the Hudson River in New York. After graduating, I made my living engaging in strange and crazy wars around the globe acquiring a reputation as one of the world’s greatest kegerator repairers. I retired from that business in 2008, sold my worldly possessions, moved into a one-room cabin, and worked tirelessly on my manifesto, existing in a profoundly active “Balance of Terror” with the local police authorities and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms. In 2009, I fell in love with a beautiful and powerful woman, and, like Sampson, cut my hair and got a job. Now I work as her henchman, and I volunteer as a DJ here at WXPR. Through it all, I have always loved Rock And Roll, motorcycles, and my growing collection of children’s shoes.
I have hosted Blues Friday, Open Turntable, Northwoods Café, Crossroads Café, The Edge, and Rock And Roll Radio, that last two programs I co-created with other WXPR Volunteers of America. This is the part where I dazzle you with what I am currently listening to and show you just how current, hip, and trendy I am. Honestly, though, I do that for three hours once a month on Rock And Roll Radio with my new release shows, so stop reading and tune in. In the meantime, I can tell you that I exist on a steady diet of The Replacements, The Ramones, The Clash, KISS, Van Halen, Pixies, Tom Waits, X, Thin Lizzy, Sex Pistols, and The Faces.