Hundreds of runners and fans are expected in Eagle River this weekend to participate in a run that is nationally known.
Journeys Marathon is a running tour of the Northwoods that offers a half marathon and the full marathon and is a qualifier for the Boston Marathon. It also features a 13K power walk, along with a 10k and 5k event. The event is Saturday with headquarters at Riverview Park in Eagle River.
Eagle River Chamber of Commerce's Events Coordinator Natalie Spiess says they usually get 700-800 participants....
"....the marathon starts in Boulder Junction and goes down Highway "K" to Conover. That's where the half-marathon starts...and then those two continue together across Hunter Lake Road, Boot Lake Road, to Highway "G" along the airport and then back to Riverview Park at the finish line...."
Spiess says the event is an early-season tourist boost for Eagle River and Vilas county...
"...the majority of our participants are from out of town. That is one of the reasons Journey's Marathon was created to have an event during the 'shoulder' season where we don't have a lot going on yet. It's a great way to bring people to the area and a great way for people in the area to participate in the event...."
Friday night the public is invited to an all-you-can-eat spaghetti dinner prepared by the Eagle River VFW at the Northland Pines- Eagle River Elementary School from 5 to 9 pm. Race day activities start Saturday at 8:00 a.m. A new feature this year will be a post-race party in the park with live music at the finish line for runners, spectators, volunteers and spectators. The awards ceremony will follow at 2 pm. More information is available at the website journeysmarathon. org