The Northland Pines school board approved setting a non-traditional graduation ceremony on Sunday, May 31 starting at 1:00 pm in the large parking lot of the middle-high school. “We need to recognize the accomplishments of our seniors,” Scott Foster, district administrator said. “We will plan to have a 'social gathering' sometime in the future. There is no perfect solution but we need some type of action to recognize this milestone in their lives.”
Dan Marien, middle-high school principal, indicated there were a number of factors that entered into the recommendation including having no prom, no spring break, and all classes ending May 22. “When contacting students on what to do, they one thing they loose is to say goodby to their teachers and fellow students face-to-face that they've spent 12 years together,” Marien said. “It appears from now to the end of May there won't be an opportunity for a traditional graduation ceremony but knowing their fellow students are in the parking lot at the same time is worth it.”
The district acknowledged there are some seniors who will miss the ceremony due to other obligtions such as entering military service. Foster admitted there is no perfect solution but didn't want the class of 2020 to be known as “the COVID-19 class.” He said “we know they want to be together one more time and we owe them that. Setting this date now allows parents, grandparents, and friends to plan for the event.”
Board president statement
David Weber, board president, became emotional in his comments and apologized for the type of graduation that has to happen. “I'm sorry, none of us wanted this to happen this way. They asked me to speak at their graduation ceremony which is a milestone in the lives of these kids. “This group of young adults deserve a traditional graduation ceremony and through no fault of their own, COVID-19 has taken that away and I'm sorry. Our decision is not perfect and we are trying to -excuse me- I have a personal emotional impact because it is a loss for these kids. We agree this is not perfect but we are trying to do our best under a difficult situation that sometimes changes daily.”
Procedure Signs in the parking lot will guide vehicles with diploma distribution alphabetical. Diploma's will be set on a table and the graduating senior will go and pick their diploma up. Professional pictures will be taken and provided later to the family. They will then go back, park, and watch the process.
Foster indicated he expects a lot of horn honking during the procedure.