The Northwoods regional economic development Corporation...Grow hosting its annual membership meeting in Antigo.
Executive Director Don Sidlowski says the annual meetings gather all the members to look at the successes and goals. He says there has been successes...
"....Grow North has had an active hand in a number of projects including bringing rail service to northern Wisconsin. We have a chopped up rail line from east to west across the state. Grow North has had a very active hand in leading the Railroad Commission in talking with haulers along the line and opening up those lines again. Also in sustainable forest management...."
The annual meeting is set for April 9 at the Historic Hoffman House in Antigo beginning at 9:45 a.m. The keynote speaker will be Representative Mary Czaja of Irma. The event is open to the public but only members may vote at the annual meeting.
Grow North is one of nine regional economic development corporations chartered through the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation to foster regional economic growth. The original five counties in the group...Oneida, Vilas Forest, Lincoln and Langlade have been joined by Oconto, Marinette and Florence counties.