Another Northwoods region is hoping more broadband will spur economic development.
A survey last year of Iron County residents found that of more than 800 responding property owners, nearly one-fourth would start or move a business to Iron county if higher-speed internet is available.
Terry Daulton of the Iron County Citizen's Forum says the survey was conducted by the Gogebic Range Broadband Committee....
"....and the upshot of(the survey) is there were a considerable amount of people who would move or start a business here if they had adequate broadband. There were a considerable number of seasonal residents who said they would spend more time here if there was improved broadband..."
Daulton says another survey group said they would telecommute if higher-speed internet was available. She says it was clear seasonal residents would spend more time in the region if they had improved broadband access.
A spokesperson for internet provider Centurylink told the group it costs about $40,000 per mile to put down high-speed cable, making a return on investment unlikely.
Daulton says parties are looking into grant funding to help extend service. She says if people want to get involved to contact Will Andresen at the Iron County UW-Extension office.