Rhinelander and Merrill students have picked up money to further science, technology, engineering and math learning from Wisconsin Public Service Foundation.
Nearly two dozen central and northern Wisconsin teachers will have new tools to enhance critical skills because of more than $20,000 provided by the Wisconsin Public Service Foundation through its Innovative Educator Grants. 23 projects are being funded.
WPS spokesperson Matt Cullen says among the recipients is one in Rhinelander...
"..James Williams Middle School is one of the recipients of a grant this year. They will be using it to fund some model rocket kits and some scientific glassware in their classroom as they study scientific principals and Isaac Newton's Three Laws of Motion..."
Prairie River Middle School in Merrill will receive equipment and supplies allowing students to learn about and use solar energy to create works of art. Cullen says because WPS uses STEM knowledge in what they do, these grants help students learn practical applications...
"..These grants really do help students because they help them do hands-on projects and take the learning they're doing in the classroom or they're receiving in the classroom and put it to an application in the real world...."
Since 2007, the Innovative Educator Grants have helped fund more than 200 STEM-based projects. During that time, more than $188,000 has been donated to area educators. The WPS Foundation grants don't use customer's funds. The money comes from private donations.