Members of Downtown Rhinelander, Inc. are spending the next several days meeting with downtown business owners about the soon-to-begin construction called Streetscape.
The city has planned for more than two years to redo the antique underground utility connections and has the funding for it. Part of it is a change in how the city in the future will treat wastewater runoff and water hookups. Many of the older buildings need to have their hookup to the city system upgraded and ready for when the city crews come by. That portion is at the expense of the business owner.
DRI President Dan Kuzlik says they have been meeting with property owners to make sure they are prepared for the construction...
".....find out if they're up to speed on what they need to do to make sewer and water connections. Much of it will be the responsibility of individual property owners and then the other part will be the city to make the hookup...."
Kuzlik says the engineering firm advising the city on the construction has put an employee in Rhinelander to help property owners with the transition. Kuzlik says the issues include replacing galvanized pipe and splitting rainwater from sanitary water. Kuzlik encourages property owners to contact plumbers now to make the upgrades. He says waiting might find a problem locating a plumber to do the work.
Kuzlik says the construction will be done by sections and will not shut down the downtown in total. There's a graph on the Downtown Rhinelander, Incorporated website. Construction is expected to start by the Davenport Street bridge around April 1.