A recent study by the tax watchdog group Wisconsin Taxpayers Alliance finds just nine counties in Wisconsin had property values that were flat or declined, all of them in northern Wisconsin.
The WTA analysis is from preliminary equalized value figures collected by the state. The total taxable Wisconsin properties rose 3 percent last year. But as the Alliance's Dale Knapp reports, that's still below the pre-recession levels. He says the positive is that it's three consecutive years of growth. 10 of the state's 72 counties showed increases of 4 percent.
Knapp says new construction drives property values, and mostly exist in an area that is growing, which he says tends to follow the main roadways. Here in the Northwoods, another story concerning property values...
"....when you get to the north you're not seeing that kind of new construction and you're not seeing the demand for new housing that drives up housing prices that you are in the southern part of the state...."
Knapp says there is one silver lining for the north...
"....some of the better intra-state migration rates are in the northern counties, so I think we're seeing some people retiring and moving north and as the the Baby Boomers retire that might drive some of the values up and we might see more new construction in the north...."
The lower values include Iron, Forest and Florence counties. Langlade, Price and Vilas counties had similar property values to a year ago, and Lincoln and Oneida counties' value rose slightly. Counties closest to the Minneapolis-St. Paul showed the largest growth, along with the area near Madison.
A link to the report is here.