Veterans of all generations are invited to a free multi-county veterans benefits expo in late April in Rhinelander.
Oneida County Veterans Service Officer Tammy Walters says veterans offices from Forest, Iron, Langlade, Lincoln, Oneida, Price and Vilas counties will be there, along with the VA regional office, Nicolet College, Workforce Development, VA Medical Center and private vendors will be there to assist veterans...
....we encourage any veteran, any family member, any survivor, any caregiver of a veteran to see what we have to offer them. .."
It's not just us Walters says among the many presentations will be a vendor highlighting equipment for veterans with hearing loss...
"....Heroes With Hearing Loss, and there are special phones veterans can get free of charge. It doesn't amplify like a lot of phones do. You can read from a screen, so if you can't hear very well you can actually read...."
Other services offered will be for homeless veterans, senior living, heating assistance, filing VA pension and disability claims among others.Walters says a speaker will discuss the new National Veterans Cemetery opening in Harshaw.
The veterans benefits expo is Friday, April 21 from 8-5 at the Rhinelander National Guard Armory on Adams Way, formerly Military Road in Rhinelander. More information is available at the Veterans Service Office in your county.