The Rhinelander-Oneida County Airport has picked up money to help engineer its on-going renovations.
The state Department of Transportation announced $135,000 has been awarded. Airport Dirctor Matthew Leitner details what they received..
"...Some great news from the state. Our engineering grant for the redesign of our secure area, along with our vacuum and foreign object debris vehicle was approved at the state level. We anticipate bids for both of those will be going out in June...."
Leitner says the money will help with the renovations...
"Right now, dare I say, we have a secure area that's woefully inadequate for the amount of volume we have, so we'll be expanding that and moving it to the other side of the terminal and including amenities, like a bathroom, that we don't have now. The seating is going to be greatly expanded. The current secure are is going to be a waiting area. If you're looking at it directionally, it will go from east to west..."
It will also reorient the security checkpoint to meet Transportation Security Administration (TSA) design standards.
Leitner says they're anticipating the work will start in October and they hope to do the majority of work between the summer travel season and the holiday travel season. 90 percent of the money is coming from the Federal Aviation Administration, 5 percent from the State of Wisconsin and 5 percent local.