The Rhinelander Common Council Monday heard an update on the planning process to modernize Hodag and Pioneer Parks.
Justin Frahm is project consultant for JSD Professional Services in Weston. After several public input sessions, they've been working on what the public had to say about Rhinelander's two largest parks.
Frahm told the council the Hodag Plan is further along, and with more public input the council could make a decision sooner than later....
"We're in a position where we could finalize the master plan document as a final document and present that at some point in the future for an approval..."
In March, the public was invited to give a 'wish list' of improvements for both parks.
At Pioneer, Frahm says those plans are still in the concept phase, and more public input would be taken. Frahm says key to making any improvements is showing an approved plan so grant funders know the planning has been completed. But with the plans not completed for either park, changes are not likely anytme soon.
Mayor Chris Frederickson says with budget time approaching he wanted the council to have an update....
"..As we look at budgeting or any of the issues that came before us, or capital improvements or things that need to happen, one of the questions is how do we dedicate ourselves to moving this forward...."
Frahm said the public input provided has been outstanding. More information on the update plans for the parks is available at city hall.