Phosphorus, ammonia and sediment levels have decreased during the past 20 years in major rivers statewide as a result of stricter limits in wastewater, improved farming practices, construction site erosion control and urban storm water management...that from a recent DNR report on state impaired waters. DNR Section Chief Brian Weigel says they've 209 new waters that meet the criteria for being classified as impaired and is now asking for public comment....
" general, our waters are in very good condition. However, there are some that need restoration plans to make them better...."
In the Northwoods, each county in this region has waters listed in the impaired waters category. Weigel says they look at the water body and put together a plan to clean it up...
"....this is a sort of budget, a pollution budget for the system which all the wastewater from dischargers are kept at that level to meet the target pollutant level, then the water quality standards will be met...."
An online public webinar will be held on November 3 at 11:00 a.m. to provide information about the Clean Water Act regulatory framework for identifying and restoring impaired waters, and process for developing Wisconsin’s impaired waters list, and the proposed listing updates. A link to the impaired waters list is here.