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DNR Hopes You Report Deer Sightings


Beginning this week, when you see Bambi in your neighborhood, you can help the DNR keep track of how many deer Wisconsin has within its borders.

This week begins the DNR's "Operation Deer Watch", a citizen-science survey collecting information on deer. DNR research scientist Jessica Rees Lohr says the effort is easy for the public to get involved....

"....it's an annual survey we've been conducting since 2010. A way for Wisconsin citizens, not just deer hunters to participate in recording the number of deer they see going about their daily activities...."

To get involved, record all bucks, does and fawns seen during the day from now to Sept. 30. Daily observations can be tracked using an online tally sheet available at the DNR website, keyword "deer watch."

Lohr says seeing a deer in your back yard counts as much as seeing one in the wild. She says they don't tally deer observed after dark. Data from the survey is additionally used by County Deer Advisory Councils when developing deer season framework, harvest quotas and permit level recommendations.

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