It's getting dry outdoors from an extended period of warmer than normal weather and a shortagle of rainfall.
The area had a deep snowfall in mid-April, and 9 inches of rain fell in portions of the Northwoods the weekend of June 16. Since then, there's been a scattering of rain in the region.
The DNR's Laura Hayes of Woodruff says things are starting to dry out....
"....Fire danger in Vilas, Oneida and Lincoln counties has increased to moderate. If you look outside you see our grass is starting to "cure". It's starting to turn brown looking dead...."
With the increased wildfire risk, Hayes has some safety tips.
"....You always want to choose a safe location for your campfire, away from anything that might burn. Remove leaves and needles from around your campfire. You never want to start a campfire if it's too windy or if it's unattended...."
Hayes says when done with a campfire, to repeatedly drown the flames and make sure the coals are cold to the touch before leaving. She says fireworks still can be a fire starter. She says exploding fireworks like bottle rockets cause the most fireworks-related blazes. She says a third major fire starter is caused by equipment...
"...Lots of ATV's-UTV's riding on the trails. Be careful not to park your ATV-UTV's on any dry grass or vegetation. Be sure to check your equipment for proper spark arresters and to remove debris from your exhaust or mufflers. Things like boat chains. Metal to metal if your brakes are not maintained, that can cause fire along roadways as well...."
Burning permits are also required. If you are going to burn, check with your local DNR service center or fire warden for a free permit, or go to the DNR website and put 'fire' in the search box.