The Lakeland Times this week reported the attorney representing Trig Solberg's plan to extract water near Carlin Lake said they are likely done.
In the Times' article, attorney John Houlihan said he didn't see them proceeding any further on it.
March 27, Vilas County Circuit Judge Neal Nielsen backed a unanimous 2019 decision by the county Board of Adjustment to deny the permits needed to allow the pumping. The plan first emerged more than five years ago and has found it way through government and the courts, with no success for Solberg's company.
They wanted to send three tanker trucks daily down a narrow road to collect water from a private well at the Carlin Club in Presque Isle. Each truck would carry 6,000 gallons of water to Marenisco, Mich. for bottling and commercial sale from another Solberg facility. An officer with the Carlin Lake Association,
Carmen Farwell, said they were overjoyed at the apparent end of the long battle...
"We believed from the beginning it was not right to run a commercial business from a residential property. We also have been greatly supported by other people not only in the Presque Isle community, but in the whole Northwoods..."
Farwell says this was the mission of their lake group..
"From the time we formed our lake association it was with the desire to protect our lake an our environment. We had this mission since 1996 when we formed this lake association..."
The plans were rejected by multiple circuit court judges, a state appeals court, Vilas County Zoning Administrator, and twice by the Vilas County Board of Adjustment.