Wisconsin is investing $130 million in workforce development programs.
Governor Evers stopped at Nicolet College Wednesday to make the announcement.
He said the goal of the money to invest in three programs that are meant to help both train employees and also find solutions to regional workforce challenges.
“While employment in Wisconsin continues to grow our economy is facing a workforce shortage. A shortage that quite frankly existed well before I became governor but has been made exceedingly more difficult for us by this pandemic,’’ said Evers.
$100 million will go to grants for the Workforce Innovation Program.
The program encourages regions and communities to develop long-term solutions to workforce shortages.
Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation Secretary and CEO Missy Hughes said the funding is meant to tackle region-specific issues.
“This initiative is really about brining local community groups together, to collaborate together, to understand what the unique things and problems in our locality are and how we can work together to solve them. The Governor’s investment of $100 million will help to support those solutions and provide the resources for those solutions,” said Hughes.
$20 million will go to a worker advancement initiative that will offer about 2,000 unemployed people subsidized employment and skills training opportunities with local employers. And $10 million would go to a program that provides workforce career coaches to help people find jobs.
The money will come from the American Rescue Plan Act.