Roughly half the students in the Northland Pines School District come from homes that fall in the food insecure threshold.
Beacuse of that, Feed Our Rural Kids is challenging community members.
FORK has team up with all the banks and credit unions in the Eagle River area.
Each one has set a goal to raise $3,550, enough for 1,000 meals.
This is the second year for the CashFORKids fundraiser.
“It was the first attempt last year. In the pandemic, we had some challenges just getting foot traffic into the financial institutions. We’re hoping that this year, with a lot of the restrictions being lifted we get better traffic into each of the banks,” said FORK Board Chairperson Keith Kentala.
FORK operates through five different programs.
They range from providing emergency formula to families who run short on their WIC allocation to providing meals at times food isn’t available through school.
New this school year, FORK is launching Children’s Pantries that will be located inside schools for parents or teachers to grab food for kids whenever it’s needed.
“We know there’s a bunch of gaps in the food support system that they fall through. There’s no food support coming to them, so we develop other programs around the holistic approach to feeding these children from food insecure home,” said Kentala.
CashFORKids runs now through the end of August.
You can donate at any financial institution in Eagle River.
You can learn more on FORK’s website.