When adult mosquitos are hunting for somewhere to lay their eggs, they are trying to find somewhere wet. Whether it's a bird bath, flooded pot, or even a damp field, they aren't picky.
After all the rain Central Wisconsin has had this summer, there are plenty of places for mosquitos to choose from.
"Just in the last two weeks, again we see some heavy rainstorms come in then it's often another week or two weeks before we see that next batch of mosquitos," PJ Liesch, Extension Entomologist at UW Madison said.
Our Storm Track 9 Meteorologists have seen some especially wet months with June seeing 7.8 inches of rain, the ninth wettest on record. July had even more rain at 7.96 inches.
With storm after storm, experts say now is the time to work on getting rid of mosquitos breeding near your home.
An at-home option is making sure you don't leave anywhere for mosquitos to lay their eggs.
"Go around your yard and look for any standing water. It doesn't have to be much, even something as small as a bottle cap from a bottle of water, if that were upside down and full of water in a bit of fallen leaf material or something like that, that can develop some mosquitos right there," Liesch said.
Even then, mosquito season will last at least for a few more weeks. Experts say it isn't until the first frost of the year that mosquito season ends.