The rural nature of the Northwoods is one of the reasons people decide to start a family here. But it can also be isolating, especially for families with children that haven’t yet started school.
In Wisconsin, 32% of high school students have tried e-cigarettes and 20% consider themselves current users.Senator Tammy Baldwin is introducing legislation to increase the education about the dangers of vaping and increase oversight of the e-cigarette industry.
In 2019, the legal age to buy tobacco rose from 18 to 21.In that year, the rate of selling tobacco to underage people was around 5.5%. This year, it rose to 13.6%.
Many parents will be checking their kid's Halloween candy tonight to make sure everything is safe for them.Local health officials are also urging parents to check or talk with their teens about candy-flavored vapes.
The Vilas County Youth Coalition will be giving away medication lock boxes and bags at this year’s Hallowfest. It’s October 28 in downtown Eagle River.
A coalition is hoping to increase the number of immunizations across the Northwoods. Northwoods Immunization Coalition formed in 2005 to provide what a…
Late summer in the Northwoods means it’s time to watch out for blue green algae blooms in lakes and ponds. The algae often produces toxins that can cause…