Feed Our Rural Kids or FORK set a goal of raising $30,000 during the month of August through its Cash For Kids Fundraiser.
It’s the 5th year FORK has held what is its largest fundraising event.
Local banks in Eagle River work together to help raise funds.
“They all come together to help the kids. I think that's what really makes the difference is that it's unique. It doesn't happen for any other reason,” said Perry Pokrandt, FORK President.
Last year, they were able to raise the equivalent of 10,000 meals.
With the rising cost of meals, Pokrandt says they’re looking to raise more money this year.
“The need is up. Cost of food is up. It just cost money to feed kids, I mean, any parent knows that right?” said Pokrandt.
The money supports four of FORK’s free food programs.
FORK Cares provides food to kids when school is out.
FORK Now provides food to families that have been impacted suddenly by food insecurity.
FORK Extra partners with area food pantries to get more families that need services to register.
And the funds support the 11 FORK pantries that are available within the Three Lakes, Phelps, and Northland Pines School Districts.
“We actually do it [the fundraiser] now because we're hoping that some of the secondary property owners people who have summer homes up here will share in the responsibility in that we're of creating a great community for them to come back to year after year,” said Pokrandt.
To donate, you can stop by any financial institution in Eagle River.
You can also donate online at FeedOurRuralKids.org.