The issue of local control came up Tuesday at the Oneida county board meeting. Governor Walker's budget proposal would eliminate county run Aging and Disability Centers with a state-run privatized system. The state initially worked toward the current system as a way of helping seniors and cutting costs. This led supervisor Ted Cushing to question the latest move, saying the state was taking away county control on a program that he says has worked well....
"....instead of this being a local situation, they want to make it more of a state situation. In other words, bring in a big insurance company, privatize it, and let them put people on phones to handle the issues. The ADRC issues can't be handled that way. They have to be handled on a local basis...."
County Department on Aging Director Dianne Jacobson says it isn't so much about local control as it is providing seniors and others with a way to navigate the system...
"....what kind of housing is available...what kind of care at home is available...if you have to figure that on your own you're probably going to end up spending more money for it. ADRC's are local professionals that can help give people options...."
The county board voted to send the state a resolution opposing this local control change. Cushing indicated many other county boards also have voted to oppose this change. More information is here.