What's believed to be the largest amount of money spent on a project in its history, the Rhinelander school board Monday approved the concept of an enclosed athletic practice facility. The cost is expected to be $5.7 million.
The school board narrowed its options to either a 90,000-square-foot air-supported permanent dome or a 50,000-square foot steel-sided indoor complex.
Superintendent Kelli Jacobi says after more information gathering, the board will meet again in two weeks to discuss what course to take...
"...Presentations by people who can give us more information about the given options which would be a steel building and a dome. We heard some information about an option that is a year-round dome that we hadn't heard before. The board asked for more information about that option...."
Jacobi says the facility will be on the current school plant. She says one option is to attach it to the high school to use the bathrooms and locker rooms in the school. She says another option is at the practice fields.
Superintendent Jacobi outlines where the funding sources are...
"..There's a lot of money through private donations through HSF. We will be taking money from the maintenance budget for the next several years and then money from the fund balance...."
Dr. Lee Swank pledged $500,000 for such a facility. The Hodag Schools Foundation raised an additional $700,000. Along with the district's pledge, the school has about $7 million for facility construction and maintenance. She says the projects will not need a referendum of any kind.
The board also decided Monday to spend $600,000 to put in artificial turf at Mike Webster Stadium. .