Back to school means back to germs and doctors at the Marshfield Clinic say July and August are peak times they see children coming in for vaccine visits.
The types of vaccines kids receive vary by age. Kids around five get tetanus, polio, and chicken pox shots. At eleven years old the HPV, meningitis, and tetanus booster are recommended.
"Vaccines are the most cost effective way to prevent illness that we have,” said Marshfield Clinic Pediatric and Infectious Diseases Physician Dr. Thomas Boyce. “They protect the individual but they also protect people around the individual, that either don't respond to the vaccine because they have a weakened immune system or they can't get the vaccine because of their underlying medical condition.”
A new pneumonia vaccine is on the way too, pending approval in a few months.
In the next couple of months, this year’s flu vaccine will be available. They recommend your kids get it to prevent a bug going around school.