A Northwoods non-profit is seeking help after going nearly a month without any donations.
Apex Angels and Warriors is a non-profit in Gleason. Their mission is to help veterans dealing with trauma and post-traumatic stress by using wolf dogs.
While the wolf dogs do their job to service the country's heroes, organizers are asking for help to feed the dogs.
Director Michelle Last said they usually receive donations at least once a week but have not had any in three weeks.
Each dog eats about three pounds of meat every day, a total need of nearly 300 pounds per week.
Last is asking for people to check the back of their freezer for any meat that won't be eaten. The organization accepts almost all raw meats and fish except pork.
"There are a lot of stigmas on veterans with PTSD and wolf dogs such as; they're killers, they're unpredictable," Last said. "When the veterans come in and start working with the wolf dogs and realize that these animals are none of that, they're social animals. They start realizing hey maybe I'm not those things either."
The organization accepts almost all raw meats and fish except pork.
For those interested in donating, check out their website or call (715) 921-9785.