Gogebic Taconite can continue with exploratory drilling this summer.
The DNR has authorized the mining company to drill six additional holes, and approved its request to renew two exploration licenses within a 4-mile area of the Penokee Range.
The DNR has also granted a stormwater permit so the company can make improvements to an existing road used to access some of the drill sites.
The DNR originally granted the first license in May of last year, and the second one in January. GTac has already drilled more than 20 holes in the proposed iron mine site area.
To renew the licenses for another year, GTac paid a hundred and fifty dollar fee for each license, and posted more than $120,000 in bonds for site reclamation.
Meanwhile the company is also collecting environmental baseline data that it will likely use to compile an environmental impact report. No permits are needed for that data collection, which includes mapping streams and wetlands and installing groundwater monitoring wells.