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Vilas County Resolution to Restructure Forestry & Recreation Duties Removed


A proposed resolution last week before the Vilas County board that would restructure the functions of  the Vilas County Forestry, Recreation & Parks office was removed from consideration at the request of  Holly Tomlanovich chair of the Forestry/Recreation committee, who indicated there were “extenuating circumstances” for the removal.

The resolution would have eliminated the position of administrator of the Recreation/Parks currently held by Dale Mayo and make him a technician under the direct supervision of forest administrator Al Murray. It received major opposition from recreation user groups in the county including the Vilas County Snowmobile Alliance representing 11 snowmobile clubs, the Vilas County ATV Alliance representing six ATV clubs, and the Off Highway Motorcycle Club.

Many persons representing these recreation clubs were in the board meeting and left with many questions about the reason the resolution was removed from consideration. Tomlanovich indicated the next day she was given permission from Vilas County Corporation Council Jack Albert to disclose the reason.

“Mr. Mayo is on medical leave as a result of a letter from his physician,” Tomlanovich said the day after the board meeting, indicating that’s all she can say, “therefore the resolution intent was moot and I recommended removal from consideration.”

Supervisor Art Kunde, the only member of the Forestry/Recreation committee to vote against presenting the resolution, was prepared to defend keeping Mayo with a “desk drop” showing Mayo’s extensive public recreation responsibilities and indicating he obtained almost $4 million in grants.

Indications are the structure of the duties of the Forestry/Recreation department will be looked at prior to Jan. 1.

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