Governor Tony Evers spent part of his Tuesday in Wausau learning about a proposed firefighter and paramedic apprenticeship program that aims to bring more workers into the field.
“This program has an opportunity to really lift up the profession of firefighting, make sure we find people to serve,” said Governor Evers. “We don’t have a growing number of people living in the state, so we have to make sure everybody is involved, we’re not missing anybody.”
The proposed program could see candidates live and work alongside the Wausau Fire Department’s current staff while taking classes through the state’s technical college system. Evers says the setup would allow candidates to get real-world experience without running up debt. “It’s exciting that people are willing to try something different to make their city a better place, make Wisconsin a better place.
“If you’re learning and earning at the same time it doubles the attractiveness of the profession,” added Evers.
Members of the Wausau Fire Department made the presentation. Representatives from the state’s technical colleges were also on hand to answer questions from the Governor.
The idea is still in its infancy and Evers wouldn’t commit to backing it with state dollars. He says that would be difficult in the middle of a two-year budget cycle. The Wausau Fire Department is still refining the proposal.