Earlier this week, Wisconsin started vaccinating people who are 65 and older.But Northwoods residents who have been vaccinated through a pharmacy program…
Explaining his reasoning after more than an hour Tuesday to a packed courtroom, Vilas County Judge Neal Nielsen sent the Carlin Club Properties water…
A state appeals court has upheld a ruling that blocks the pumping of water near a Northwoods lake.A company hoped a higher court would give the green…
A permanent injunction to prevent commercial pumping and transport of water from the Carlin Club property in Presque Isle to a bottling facility in…
Carlin lake property owners who filed a contempt of court motion alleging Carlin Club Properties violated a court order had smiles on their faces as they…
A Northwoods health consortium has partnered with a grocery store chain in an effort to raise awareness about eating more fruits and vegetables.Northwoods…
Someone who bought a Wisconsin Lottery Badger 5 ticket in Rhinelander is wealthier today. The state lottery office reports a Badger 5 ticket sold at…