The organizers of the Project North Festival annouced today that they will postpone until September 10-12 of 2021. The partnering organizations include WXPR, ArtStart, Nicolet College, and The Rhinelander Area Chamber of Commerce. Tickets will be refunded or are valid for the 2021 festival.
Project North Statement:
As you all know, there is so much passion for the Project North Festival. Project North is about music, art, and the environment. Project North is also about the people, the connections and the camaraderie. Over the past several weeks the community impact of COVID-19 became very apparent to the planning team. While we had some big things planned for 2020, we have made the tough decision to postpone the Project North Festival until 2021.
We rely heavily on the support of our community, sponsors and donors and we feel that a period of recovery is needed before being able to further Project North's mission. We also want to support social distancing to prevent the spread. With these things in mind, we continue our commitment to our community and would like to announce that PROJECT NORTH FESTIVAL 2021 will be held September 10th-12th, 2021. Get ready because it will be 2 years in the making and we have some amazing surprises for you!