In the town of Phelps, an elementary gym school teacher is raising funds for a fleet of bikes and gear for his students.
Phelps Elementary is a small rural school in Vilas County.
With under 100 students, it has a tight budget, which doesn’t leave a lot of room for extra projects.
That’s why gym teacher Brandon Sharpe is turning to the larger community for support.
He wants to get a fleet of bikes and gear to be used in classes and maybe even field trips, so kids can develop a lifelong skill.
“That's my goal, you know, you leave school with something you want to do for your life to stay healthy and fit,” he said.
The school is partnering with an organization called All Kids Bike. It’s dedicated to teaching every kindergartener in the US how to ride a bike.
All Kids Bike has a mission to to counter the growing rate of obesity in kids by promoting healthy habits at a young age.
Through the Kindergarten Learn-to-Ride program, donors can support teachers in equipping their students with a complete fleet of Strider bikes, helmets, pedal kits, storage racks, curriculum, and more.
By providing a standardized fleet to students, teachers can eliminate squabbles over which bike is better.
Sharpe says it’s his mission to help his students utilize the natural resources in the area for their fitness and health, as well as enjoyment and well-being.
“It's my favorite activity to do for lifelong health,” said Sharpe.
He hopes to raise $9,000.
Produced with assistance from the Public Media Journalists Association Editor Corps funded by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, a private corporation funded by the American people.