Resident Ben Meyer is working with the Parks and Recreation Department to create the trail.
Despite the layer of snow on the ground, work is happening right now on a new section of the Heart of Vilas County Trail system.The North Creek Loop Trail will connect major campgrounds in the Boulder Junction area to the larger trail system.
A freshly paved trail now connects Council Grounds State Park to the City of Merrill via the River Bend Trail.It brings the total mileage of the trail to…
With the snow melted and the occasional warmer day, many of us have been itching to get out on the trail. But unless it’s one close to home, it can be…
There’s more than 100 miles of trails in Iron County that’s open to walking, hiking, biking, and skiing, and people are working to add more.The latest…
A 14-mile long loop of paved bike trail that connects two major campgrounds to the Heart of Vilas County Trail. That’s the goal of the latest trail…
The Heart of Vilas County Trail is more than 50 miles of paved trail.It connects five different communities from St. Germain to Mercer as it winds through…
Part of the tax money collected by the City of Rhinelander will be used to support non-motorized transportation.The Common Council Monday approved…
With improving weather, bicyclists are taking to the streets and roadways in increasing numbers. The state has designated this as Wisconsin Bike Week,…
Expanding bike routes in western Vilas County is proposed by the Presque Isle Wilderness Peddlers using county highway right-of-way with approval granted…