The MASH blood drive in Rhinelander took place Thursday in the Hodag Dome.Volunteers and donors participated in the drive to give blood to those who need it.
The CBC hopes more donors will come out Thursday, July 21 for the annual MASH Blood Drive in Rhinelander.
Next week, the annual Hodag M.A.S.H. Blood Drive will return to Rhinelander with several new changes.The event is scheduled for Thursday, July 16, and…
Thursday is the day for the annual MASH blood drive and grill-out in Rhinelander. The Community Blood Center of Appleton holds the day-long event with the…
The Community Blood Center is hosting the annual M*A*S*H blood drive later this month in Rhinelander.Themed like a MASH unit wartime medical center, the…
A critical blood shortage that could potentially cause elective surgeries to be cancelled nationwide has now reached northeast Wisconsin, and The…
It looks like a re-creation of the long-ago TV series M*A*S*H.While the TV show was fiction, this event has a very real outcome for people needing…
The next MASH-style blood donation is coming to Rhinelander in early July.Each year the Community Blood Center hosts summertime blood drives featuring a…