The fungal infection that tends to strike the lungs made at least 162 people sick at the Billerud mill, and killed one of them
The sale to Capital Recovery Group, LLC, is expected to be finalized next month.
In Park Falls, water utility rates were just increased by about 75%.
A paper mill in northern Michigan is closing for up to three weeks for scrubbing after authorities confirmed at least 21 cases of a fungal infection among workers and dozens more probable cases.
Michigan Democrats worked late Thursday night to pass over $1 billion in spending that includes $200 million in funding for a paper mill in the Upper Peninsula.
The proposed merger of the Verso Paper Mill with Swedish company BillerudKorsnäs is nearly complete.
According to a company called Future Data Technology’s website, its operation at the former mill came onboard as of February 20th.
The press release announcing the acquisition had no mention of Verso’s paper mill in Wisconsin Rapids.
The Park Falls Paper Mill has been substantially liquidated, according to the city’s mayor.