A recount in Oneida County confirmed Collette Sorgel is the new board member for District 13.Her opponent requested a recount for the race that ended in a tie and coin flip deciding the winner.
The winner of that race was decided by a coin toss Friday morning after each candidate received equal number of votes during Tuesday's election.
The Oneida County Board will see plenty of new supervisors after Tuesday's races.
During his run for the Mayor’s office, Hanus, who has worked in retail and property management, identified a housing as his main priority.
Three North Central Wisconsin school districts passed referendums on Tuesday, while one additional vote failed.
Daniel Overbey won the election with 56% of the votes. He was running against Meg O’Marro.
This page will be updated as results come in after the polls close at 8:00 p.m. on Tuesday, April 5.
In the months and even years leading up to a presidential election, ad campaigns and partisan plugs are everywhere. That level of big-spending, hyper-political campaigning is generally less present in smaller, local elections, but following two years of the COVID pandemic, party politics are making a strong appearance in this spring’s election.
O’Marro focused on opioid epidemic and lack of attorneys in run for Vilas County Circuit Court JudgeMeg O'Marro is running for Vilas County Circuit Court Judge Branch II.