Between a retiring workforce and the “great resignation” brought on by the pandemic, Wisconsin hospitals are experiencing unprecedented levels of job vacancy rates.
An aging population is one of the greatest challenges facing Wisconsin’s healthcare system.As the baby boomer generation reaches retirement, it means a…
Hurricane Maria that struck Puerto Rico is causing a conservation effort of IV solution at Wisconsin hospitals.Officials say hospitals and health systems…
A critical access hospital is defined as a rural acute care facility providing 24-hour emergency services, acute inpatient and swing-bed care and offers…
Wisconsin hospitals are lowering some infection rates by nearly 60 percent and reducing hospital readmission rates according to a new report released by…
Hospitals reported losing more than $1 billion caring for patients in the Medicaid program and $1.6 billion on Medicare, according to the Wisconsin…
A report from the Wisconsin Hospital Association shows the progress hospitals are making in reducing infections, preventing falls and decreasing hospital…
As money tightens and fewer physicians and nurses are available in many spots in Wisconsin, hospitals are trying new techniques to supply service to…
Medical professionals are expecting to see an uptick in the number of people coming for treatment because of the Affordable Care Act.Wisconsin Hospital…
For now, a move to cut a subsidy critical for some Northwoods hospitals has been put to the back burner says a hospital group spokesperson.In August, the…