Prosecutors have decided not to charge a former Wisconsin state senator who was involved in a car crash that left a Pennsylvania woman and her 5-year-old daughter dead
A Pennsylvania man whose 5-year-old daughter and her mother were killed in a car crash involving the Wisconsin state Senate’s minority leader has filed a wrongful death lawsuit against the lawmaker.
Minority Leader Janet Bewley announced Tuesday she won't run this November.
Two legislative committees have been assigned bills authored by Northwoods legislators to hold hearings on creating a task force to examine factors…
State Senator Janet Bewley(D-Mason) says Governor Walker said little in his recent State of the State address about the major changes in one well-known…
One of the closer races on Election Night was the 25th Senate District, a seat vacated by longtime Democratic Senator Bob Jauch. Democrat Janet Bewley won…
Candidates for northern Wisconsin’s 25th state Senate District and 74th Assembly District sparred this week at a debate held in Mercer. Much of the debate…
Hours of testimony in Madison whether to allow an exemption to the state's Managed Forest Law that would allow Goegebic Taconite to close up to 4,000…
Wisconsin’s Lieutenant Governor says worker safety is a priority at the Gogebic Taconite mine site in Iron County. The company has drawn criticism for…
A Northwoods Democrat doesn't like a Republican action in the Assembly Wednesday boosting campaign contributions for Wisconsin state candidates. Majority…