The competency hearing for a man charged in the murder of a Rhinelander woman has been pushed back once again.
Seth Wakefield has been charged with first degree intentional homicide as party to a crime. He was back in Oneida County court Thursday.
An Oneida County Sheriff’s investigation revealed Wakefield helped Christopher Anderson plan the death of Hannah Miller, according to court documents.
The state completed its own competency exam for Wakefield, but the Public Defender Office has requested its own.
Wakefield’s Attorney Elizabeth Svehlek said they’ve trying to hire a doctor for months now.
“I’ve reached out to about 10 providers throughout the state. I have just recently had a return call from a provider. I think I’ll be able to get a second evaluation accomplished shortly,” said Svehlek, who appeared via video.
Svehlek said they’re limited on which providers they can reach out to because so many of them work with the Wisconsin Forensic Unit and they can’t use them.
District Attorney Michael Schiek expressed frustration over how long it’s been taking.
“We’ve been doing this now for a couple of months judge and I appreciate maybe it’s difficult to find somebody, but we need to move this along. I don’t know if the court can specifically order somebody,” said Schiek.
Schiek said the state-appointed doctor found Wakefield competent to proceed.
Judge Patrick O’Melia ordered Wakefield’s attorney to either set something up with a doctor or give him a recommendation of a doctor to issue a court order to do the exam.
Svehlek has two weeks to do so.
Wakefield is due back in court in December.
Christopher Anderson, who police say shot Miller, was arrested in Illinois.
His extradition hearing has been pushed back twice now.
Anderson is due in court in Illinois next month.