A time capsule buried behind the 1983 cornerstone at the former St. Mary’s Hospital on Kabel Avenue was opened during a presentation Monday.
Wisconsin doctors say the state could help save lives by extending postpartum Medicaid coverage to a full year, as many states offer. But the Legislature again blocked an extension.
Transgender youth will continue to have access to gender-affirming medical care, provided the veto survives an override early next year.
Physician shortages and broadband gaps hinder access to care. Some gains could be lost if certain pandemic-era telehealth flexibilities expire.
In 2022, the group started training all its CNAs through an internal program. The employer takes on 100% of the costs.
Essentia Health and Marshfield Clinic Health System Thursday announced the two health systems have entered into an agreement.They plan to form a new integrated regional health system serving rural and mid-urban communities across four states.
As the pickleball grows, so does the number of injuries.Those injuries could cost Americans nearly $400 million dollars in health care costs this year, according to a UBS analysis released last month.
Wisconsin Republicans are working on a bill that would allow state regulators to enforce federal price transparency regulations on hospitals.
AARP Wisconsin said the state's more than 500,000 family caregivers provided an estimated 540 million hours of unpaid care in 2021
Some older patients with diabetes are now getting easier access to insulin. But there is concern many younger ones are still navigating a difficult path in managing their situation, including an outspoken Wisconsin health care worker.