Even in a stable economy, consumers in Wisconsin and elsewhere still express pessimism and advocates said a key federal agency working on issues like unfair business practices cannot risk losing resources needed to help consumers
Jordan DeMay was 17 when he killed himself at his family's home in Marquette, in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula
Nationally, Medicare loses about $60 billion a year to a combination of fraud, errors and abuse
The American Association of Consumer Credit Professionals - best known as the AACCP - has issued a warning about rogue credit repair firms, whose shady practices prey on consumers who are trying to repair their credit and rebuild their lives
Consumer advocates warned more people report being targeted by scammers as key information to protect their financial identity is not always getting through, and a Wisconsin expert hopes holiday shoppers take note
A Wisconsin grand jury indicted a Connecticut man on wire fraud charges over accusations he scammed older residents
As the winter holiday season approaches, consumer advocates and federal agencies are warning the public to be on the lookout for tell-tale signs of a scam.
The Internal Revenue Service says bad actors are using the mail delivery system to prey on people by telling them they're owed a refund.
Scammers targeting student-loan borrowers in Wisconsin and elsewhere are shifting into high gear - spurred by the uncertainty surrounding President Joseph R. Biden's debt-cancellation plan.
Holiday shoppers are starting to face a time crunch in wrapping up their gift lists. As they rush to the stores or sift through online platforms, fraud experts warn about ignoring red flags for scams.