The city of La Crosse is hoping a new online design library of Accessory Dwelling Units will help inspire residents to build one
Housing, childcare, substance use, and mental health are top priorities for the Oneida County Health Department.It’s sharing its updated Community Health Improvement Plan this week.
Habitat for Humanity Northwoods held a dedication ceremony on Friday to honor all that hard work the Rick Family and the volunteers put in.
For those making $25,000 a year or less, there's a shortage of nearly 125,000 affordable housing units. This shortage forces low-income renters into more expensive properties, creating financial hardship
Finding affordable housing is becoming harder and harder these days, but the former Rodeway Inn in Rhinelander will soon give low-income individuals and families, and seasonal workers a place to call home
Assisted living promises more independence than nursing homes, but it carries risks: fewer protections for seniors who run out of savings.
The Department of Veterans Affairs announced it permanently housed more than 46,500 homeless veterans in 2023.It’s been a top priority of the current VA Secretary.
The Wisconsin Supreme Court voted Monday in its first public administrative conference in more than a decade to reduce from 20 years to two years the time when most eviction records must be kept on the state court website