Wisconsin’s Natural Resources Board has eliminated a rule that said people could not carry a gun while on the water or on the shore
For All Things Outdoors, Wisconsin DNR Conservation Warden Brittany Hoffman talks with WXPR’s Katie Thoresen about how ice camping on lakes is becoming more accessible.
PFAS is a group of manmade chemicals that are being found more and more in our environment.They’ve also been found in people and linked to number of health risks including increased risk for some cancers.
Abby Hileman, Salt Watch Coordinator for the Izaak Walton League of America says often, people use way more salt than is needed
Deer Management Specialist Jeff Pritzl updated the Natural Resources Board recently on public comment on the idea of going back to a habitat-based system of deer management units
DNR Large Carnivore Specialist Randy Johnson recently outlined recommendations for the Wisconsin Natural Resources Board
The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources wants people to watch out for dangerous conditions when riding recreational vehicles like ATV’s or snowmobiles
The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources asks those out ice fishing to help prevent the spread
For All Things Outdoors, Wisconsin DNR Conservation Warden Brittany Hoffman talks with WXPR’s Katie Thoresen about how recently weather has been impacting panfish and northern pike fishing.
The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources will host a virtual public hearing on a draft rule that would change portions of the state’s deer management unit boundaries.